Well the testing is all done and the results are back----I've been accepted into the Study program-------and was Randomized (I call itthe coin toss) to the actual drug that they are "studying". THE VACCINE!!! So on Friday I get my first dose of the Study drug then I return in three weeks on the 28 June 2010 for the next dose of it. From then on I'll be only flying out here once every four weeks for a check-up to see how I'm doing and start the next cycle...the weather here is HOT!!!!!! Since they have Roxanne's name she was the one that got booked for the next flight out.
Roxanne has been a big help get me to the various parts of the hospital to the appointed places on time and actually hearing stuff that I didn't always hear correctly.
Keep-Her has been a real champ thru it all. just lays there and snoozes between stops. Lots of people have enjoyed seeing her at the clinic.
Jann the very HOT n TIRED Overcomer