Monday, March 23, 2009


I know that you’ve all been wondering what happened to my weekly entry to my blog. To put it bluntly I’ve been sick in bed with this lovely Cold/Flu thing that’s going around. So pretty much all I’ve been doing is sleeping. I lost my voice and couldn’t speak for about three days at all. Of course I waited till Amber had to work so she wasn’t available to help me so Sarah stepped in and was a great help to me during the first part of it, taking care of the dogs, answering my phone for me, getting me anything I needed. Strange as it sounds my counts were great this week.

Roxanne's brother-in-law came back up to OHSU via ambulance this time. His Blood Pressure bottomed out so he was passing out on them when he'd change positions, ie laying to sitting, sitting to standing. He Got out on Saturday 21 March 2009 in time to celebrate his/their birthday with Roxanne and other family members, at his uncles house in Beaverton. Then Mike went back home to Roseburg Sunday morning.


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