Wednesday, February 2, 2011

03 February 2011 Cycle ONE of Oral Chemo Medication

OK I have just finished the first course of the NEW Oral Chemo drug that I’m on. I didn’t want to jinx it so I haven’t said much about it. Well guess what folks---I’m still boring when it comes to Chemo side effects----nothing so far, which is the good news. Well I’ll take that back, someone has finally messed with my body’s thermostat----Now I get COLD and it takes a while for me to warm up again. I’m even wearing sweaters in the house, unheard of for me. I don’t own what most people would call a “winter” coat so I have to wear a couple of them at a time, when I go out, and gloves----you know like “everyone” else dresses in winter time.

Thanks for following along on my LONG drawn out course of treatments as the Doctors and I try and get this thing under control.

1 comment:

WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

Yeah Jann!!!! Praying/hoping for great outcomes. I can see those cancer cells just drying up and shrinking to nothing!