Saw the Dr R. Today and he agrees with me that the tumor in my breast is still shrinking, but the one under my arm has hit a plateau this go around. However we are going to go for another round of Chemo. Yeah Team!!! Finally found something that seems to be working.—granted we are getting to the “questionable time” where my body seems to change its mind. Let’s hope it’s just a lull in the storm this past cycle and that it will attack “primary” tumor with gusto this cycle again.
My toe has finally quit oozing and is “healed” over, however it is still very tender when the dogs step on it (even with my shoes on). The blisters also popped and were oozing and making walking very very painful. I took to my wheel chair for several days as walking hurt too much. But that has healed up now. I wonder what side effect I’ll come up with this cycle