Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Birthday Thanks to all

I made it to another one of these days!! What a ride it's been. happy to be here to celebrate it with family and friends. I share the day with my Daughter Roxanne (had her on my 22nd Birthday so since I GAVE it to her I am still only 22 this year.

I want to take this time to thank all my supporters you know who you are. your support and friendship has been invaluable to me over the last three years. I do hope and pray along with you all that the end of the battle is close (as in CURE) I'm NOT ready to check out no way no how no no no. I just want to be done with the Cancer fellow and get on with my life again

I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom. ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

I am sorry I missed your birthday, I have been handling crisis issues here at home this month. I'm a March baby too!!! Happy Late Birthday!!!