Friday, January 9, 2009

Cycle Eight, Day Eight, Treatment Two

Another boring post--but if I don't post something you all get worried **grin**

I appreciate all the good thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, whatever else you are sending my way to keep it boring so I can at least let you know that I'm still here and still boringly good? **smile**

In spite of food tasting blah my appetite is still good, I'm walking on my treadmill at least an hour a day. some times I get Keep-er to walk with me some times she actually walks on it by her self. (Sarah was leaning on the console, straddling the belt, talking to me and Keep-er got up there to see what she was doing, so Sarah turned in on and Keep-er just walked like it was normal thing---lasted a couple of min. then she tried just the front feet on the treadmill then just the back feet. she's much more imaginative than I am about how to walk on the thing.)

Now for some more boring GOOD news!!!! :-)

My counts are all normal today

The blood counts are looking good!!!!

Dr. Mark


Anonymous said...

Hey Jann,
In this case boring is GOOD!!!
Keep it up!
Stay warm!!
Barb and Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Boring is very good! Carol