Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cycle Nine, Day Eight, Treatment Two

The blood counts are OK and the liver tests are fine.

Dr. Mark

Dr Mark mailed me a copy of the Cat Scan everything basically unchanged. The Muga Scan my heart has IMPROVED and is pumping much more efficiently. It’s gone from 71% in May 2008 to 82% now. (Normal is 50% to 80%) Hmmm I wonder you think my treadmill is paying dividends here?

Today I got a bed with a TV and a view.

It was Amber, Roxanne, Sarah and I today at the clinic. Mack is still up in Yakima, WA taking care of a rental problem that we had up there. Roxanne Brother-in-law Mike, is still up at Oregon Health Science Hospital, they took over a liter of fluid off his Heart on Monday 02 February 2009, then on Wednesday 04 February 2009 they did a cardio version (electric shock) to reset his heart to normal, it was very successful. They are hopeful that he’ll get to go home this weekend sometime.

Keep-er and I continue to walk two – three, times a day, since it’s helping my heart I guess I’ll keep it up---life is so boring around here but everyone keeps telling me that boring is good!!!

Jann the Overcomer The beginning
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