Friday, July 25, 2008

CYCLE TWO Day Fifteen

CYCLE TWO Day Fifteen same ole same ole stuff---nothing different nothing new. BOOOOOOOOORING and EXHAUSTED-----I wish I could sleep, but I can't See even Keep-er finds Chemo treatments boring. Since I had a "private" room today Mack was able to stay and visit the whole time.


Anonymous said...

beautiful and good girl to "Keer 'er" mom company like that.

Many hugs and good thoughts from all of us.

Holly, Hank, Laney and Mr. Man

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Jann!!
Hugs to you and Keep-er!!
Barb and Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Booooooring sounds like a good thing! Healing thoughts are flying your way every day.

Mary Alice & Java