Wednesday, July 2, 2008

more on Cycle 1 day 19

OK so mom gave you her version of the story. Here is MY version! (not that it's any better) On Sunday afternoon I was telling Sarah that I forgot to do the hair tug test on mom. Being the sweet child that I am, I will grab a lock of her hair and gently tug at it, just to see if it's still attached. I forgot to do when we where together on Sunday.

Well Monday I had a Dr appt. for my foot, and we went over to moms house before hand. Now to me her hair looked thinner than normal, but I wasn't sure if it was or wasn't due to the fact that since she got it cut there is more gray then black, thus just looking thinner any ways. So I am sitting in the wheel chair and reach up to get her hair and give it a tug. Mom backs away! I was like WOA! that's new, but just to make sure I try it again and again she pulls back. HMMMM

Mom goes to the bathroom and get a comb and combs her hair. Out comes a "small" (and I mean a small) hand full of hair. To which I tell her that's nothing I can do that like this, and reach up to my hair and pull out as many if not more hair than her. I get twice that much out of my brush daily. What are you complaining about? She said yeah yeah yeah, that's us (Am, and Sarah) all do that same thing. For mom this is something that doesn't happen too.

So it became official Mom is "shredding" as my 7 year old use to stay! Tuesday Mom said that it's a weird sensation to feel her hair fall it. She can feel it "letting go" or it feels like a "popping out" (maybe that's due to the otter POPS!) OK a bad joke from me. :) Tuesday evening Mom was really sore, flu like sore . I told her she couldn't blame the soreness on the Jeepin' over the weekend it was too long ago. She says it's "delayed reaction syndrome". GOOD TRY MOM!

Well that's all the news so far.
Wed we go to the vampires and wig shopping! Thursday is "OFF DAY"!
Take care and thanks for the prayers and good thoughts.


PS.. My foot is healing nicely and now I'm suppose to start using it 'just a little'. Next week the stitches FINALLY come out, and then I'm free to go. Just not run a marathon on the first weekend!

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