Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Date

We have word of the new date... the delay won't be long. Jann will start treatment on Thursday June 12th. Thank you for all of your kind words during this time.

More to come later.



Beaglemom13 said...


I'm so sorry about your loss and the delay in starting treatment.

I'll be out there again for the Cancer Walk in September. And it will be even more special than before. You and Lori are such strong and special people.

You are in my prayers daily, and I'll be following your journey via your blog.

Gail from Chicago

Anonymous said...

We will all be thinking of you tomorrow as you begin your treatment.
Love the Schmitter/Martineau family.

Anonymous said...

Here are the words (some of them) to the song I was thinking of:
She's a grand old _____,
She's a high-flying _____,
And forever in peace may she _____.
She's the emblem of
The _____ I love,
A _____ of the _____ and the BRAVE.
All our hearts beat true
To the _____ _____ blue
And there's never a boast or _____.
Keep your eye on the grand old _____.

Nothing like Sousa to get your toes a'tappin' and your heart beatin' fast.